Max Lyons


I am currently offering two books that display images from this gallery. Each book displays just one image in its full detail. Each page shows a small region of the complete full-sized, stitched image. The concept is similar to that of a street atlas, where each page displays a small region of a larger map, and each page connects with other pages in the atlas.
Cover of Library of Congress Reading Room book
Using two copies of a book, it is possible to create a large montage of the full image. The edges of each region in this book line up perfectly with the edges of adjacent regions. If the pages are carefully removed from this book and the white page borders around the images are trimmed, the individual images can be assembled to create a large image. Because the book is printed with images on both sides of the page, two copies of the book are needed in order to assemble the full image.
For more information, or to purchase a book, click here.